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Effettua il login per controllare il tuo ticker*


*Solo per i tickers per la perdita di peso.


Crea un altro tipo di ticker:

Choose your Ticker Types

Pregnancy Due Date
Baby and Child Age
Birthday Countdown
Trying to Conceive
Angel Remembrance
Weight Loss
Wedding Countdown
Anniversary Countdown
Conto alla rovescia Adozione
Vacation Countdown
Altri eventi (Generale)

Conto alla rovescia Adozione Tickers

 Step Three Step Tre: Inserisci il testo

You are going to need to choose the type of Adoption ticker you would like to make. There are two types: Set Adoption Date or Waiting to Adopt.

Type: 1 -- The Date is Set for the Adoption

Select Coming Home date:  

Set Wording:
X years, x months, x weeks and x days until .

Text above the ticker (optional):

Left side photo (optional):

Image must be in .jpg format and recommended filesize is less than 100KB and 600 pixels.

Type 2 -- Waiting to Adopt

Start of the process:  

Set Wording:
X years, x months and x days waiting for .

Text above the ticker (optional):

Left side photo (optional):

Image must be in .jpg format and recommended filesize is less than 100KB and 600 pixels.

Torna allo Step Uno -- cambia lo sfondo.
Torna allo Step Due -- seleziona lo slider.

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